S | New |
5 | Same as new |
4.5 | Excellent grade with almost no issue |
4 | Great grade with minor issues only |
3.5 | Good grade with some issues that may need repair |
3 | Average grade with issues to fix |
2 | Bad grade |
* | Non-running car, needs a forklift to be moved |
R or 0 | Accident history/repaired. Repaired parts are mostly mentioned in auction sheet |
RA | Minor accident repaired |
RB | Heavy repair |
RC | Pillar or frame has been changed/repaired |
R2 | Accident history and mostly rust or corrosion issue |
A1 | Small scratch |
A2 | Scratch |
A3 | Big scratch |
E1 | Few dimples |
E2 | Several dimples |
E3 | Many dimples |
U1 | Small dent |
U2 | Dent |
U3 | Big dent |
W1 | Repair mark/wave (hardly detectable) |
W2 | Repair mark/wave |
W3 | Obvious repair mark/wave (needs to be repainted) |
S1 | Rust |
S2 | Heavy rust |
C1 | Corrosion |
C2 | Heavy corrosion |
P | Paint marked |
H | Paint faded (needs to be replaced) |
XX | Replaced |
B1 | Small dent with scratch (size like a thumb) |
B2 | Dent with scratch (size like flat of the hand) |
B3 | Big dent with scratch (size like elbow) |
Y1 | Small hole or crack |
Y2 | Hole or crack |
Y3 | Big hole or crack |
X1 | Small crack on windshield (approximately 1cm) |
R | Repaired crack on windshield |
RX | Repaired crack on windshield (needs to be replaced) |
X | Crack on windshield (needs to be replaced) |
G | Stone chip in glass |
F | Front |
R | Rear, right (rare) |
D | According to the driver’s something (seats, door and etc.), according to the door (about mirror, handle and etc.) |
E/G | Engine |
HID | Xenon headlights |
CS | Cassette recorder |
T-BELT | Timing belt |
ST-T | Studless tires |
CP | Central cap |
右 | Right |
左 | Left |
下 | Bottom |
大 | Large (about scratches, damps and etc.), strong (about contaminated, fraying and etc.) |
小 | Small (about scratches, damps and etc.), slight (about contaminated, fraying and etc.) |
多 | Lots of something, numerous |
穴 | Hole, something missing |
欠 | Absence |
ミラ | Mirror(s) |
ドア | Door(s) |
ばんぱ | Bumper |
スポ | Spoiler |
エアロ | Body kit |
モール | Molding |
ホイル | Alloy wheels |
CPホイル | Caps |
下廻り | Underbody (on the perimeter) |
足廻り | Suspension system |
バッテリ | Battery |
コアサポート | Radiator core support |
クロスメンバ | Cross member |
サイドメンバー | Side member |
フェンダ | Fender |
インサイドパネル | Inner panel |
エンドパネル、バックパネル | Rear panel |
トランクフロア、(Tフロア) | Trunk floor |
ピラ | Pillar (front, central, rear) |
シート | Seats |
ダッシュ板,ダッシュボード、ダッシュ | Dashboard |
ハンドル | Steering wheel |
シフトノブ | Shift knob |
ヘッドレスト | Headrest |
フロアマット | Floor mat(s) |
オーディオ | Audio |
ナビ | Navigation system |
キズ、傷 | Scratch(s) (Alphabetic designation A) |
へこみ、凹 | Dent(s) (Alphabetic designation U,B) |
補修あと、ホシュウアト | Repair Mark(s) (Alphabetic designation W) |
フショク | Corrosion (Alphabetic designation С) |
スレ | Worn |
ズレ | Shift |
歪、ヒズミ | Deformation |
修理、シュウリ | Repaired |
修理要、シュウリヨウ | Need to be repaired |
不良、フリョウ | Defective |
汚れ,ヨゴレ | Contaminated |
コゲ | Cigarette marks |
コゲ穴 | Cigarette holes |
シワ | Wrinkles (seat’s cover), unevenness (exterior) |
ヒビ | Crack |
ワレ | Crack |
トビ石、トビイシ | Chip (stone scratch) |
リペア | Repaired |
内装うす汚れ、 | Slightly interior contamination |
内装スレ汚れ、 | Worn and contamination in the interior |
ルーム内汚れ、 | Interior contamination |
内装小汚れ、 | Slight interior contamination |
内装汚れ(大)、 | Strong interior contamination |
天張り汚れ、 | Dirty roof in the interior |
天張り小汚れ、 | Slightly dirty roof in the Interior |
室内キズ汚れ、 | Scratches and interior contamination |
シートコゲ穴、 | Cigarette holes |
シートコゲ | Cigarette marks |
シートシワ | Wrinkles on the seats |
Dシートスレ | Worn on the driver’s seat |
シートヘタリ | Seat is squashed |
シートキレ | Cuts on the seats |
Dトリムコゲ数コ、 | some cigarette marks on the door’s casing |
室内異音、 | Noise in the interior |
室内臭い、 | Unpleasant smell in the interior |
ダッシュ板のリアト、 | Glue marks on the dashboard |
ダッシュ板キズ多し、 | Numerous scratches on the dashboard |
ハンドルスレ | Warn on the steering wheel |
荷室、 | Scratches in the trunk |
灰皿欠、 | Ashtrays missing |
オーディオレス穴、 | Audio missing |
オーディオ外し穴、 | Audio missing |
CSレス穴、 | Cassette recorder missing |
シフトノブ欠、 | Upper part of shift knob is missing |
AC不良、 | Defective air conditioner |
AC回らず、 | Defective air conditioner |
モニタ不良修理要、 | Defective monitor, need to be repaired |
シート色アセ | Faded seat’s cover |
ジャッキ欠品、ジャッキケッピン | Jack missing |
P/W不良修理要ス、 | Defective power windows, needs to be repaired |
左側面現状、 | Left side is damaged |
左右面現状、 | Left and right side of the chassis is damaged |
F現状、 | Front chassis is damaged |
右R現状、 | Back right side of the chassis is damaged |
右F足廻り現状、 | Front right side of the chassis is damaged |
Fルーフ現状、 | Front side of the chassis is damaged |
走行不明車、 | Millage is unknown |
E/G異音、 | Engine is knocking |
AT現状、 | Automatic transmission is damaged |
冠水車、 | Flowed car |
ワンオーナー | Single owner |
ユーザー買取車両、 | Owner is selling car |
初出品、 | This lot appears first time at auction |
キセノンライト、キセノン、HID,ディスチャージヘッドライト | Xenon headlights |
フォグランプ | Fog lamps |
社外品有、 | Including non-standard parts |
ソナー | Sonar |
コーナーセンサー | Corner sensor |
ブルガード | Bullbar |
カーボンボンネット | Carbon bonnet |
エアロパーツ | Body kit |
ルーフレール | Roof rail |
サンルーフ | Sunroof |
保証書付、ホショウカキツケ | Including warranty book |
キャリア | Carrier |
アンテナは後日送り、アンテナハゴジツオクリ | Antenna will be sent later |
電格ミラー、デンカクミラー | Electric mirror |
純正アルミホイール、 | Original alloy wheels |
社外アルミ、 | Not original alloy wheels |
社外足廻り、 | Not original suspension system |
車高調、 | Increased ground clearance |
リフトアップ | The car is raised |
ロタウン | Decreased ground clearance |
Rスポ | Rear spoiler |
純正リヤスポ、 | Original rear spoiler |
社外マフラー, | Not original muffler |
社外マフラー積込、 | Original muffler located inside the car |
車内積み社外マフラー、 | Not original muffler located inside the car |
背面、ハイメン、ハイメンタイヤ | Spare wheel located on the rear door |
革、 | Leather interior |
革シート、 | Leather seats |
本革シート、 | Seats covered by natural leather |
パワーシート | Power seats |
シートヒーター | Seat’s heater |
FのみP/W | The only front powered windows |
社外ハンドル、エアB欠、 | Not original steering wheel without airbag |
モモステアリング | МОМО steering wheel |
ウッドコンビハンドル | Steering wheel with wooden insert |
ウッド調パネル、 | Wooden stile dash board |
カーボン調パネル、 | Carbon style dash board |
外シフトノブ、 | Not original shift knob |
純マット、、純正フロアマット、、ドアバイザー付 | Original mats |
CDチェン | СD-changer |
純正ナビ・TV・CD・CS | Original navigation, TV, CD, cassette recorder |
ナビディスク後日、ナビディスクゴジツ | Navigation disk will be sent later |
純正ステレオ、ジュンセイステレオ | Original stereo system |
走行中TV-OK | TV is working during driving |
DVD-プレーヤー | DVD Player |
ヘッドレストモニター | Monitors in the headrests |
サンバイザーモニター | Monitors in the sun visors |
キーレス | Remote key |
キーレス後日、キーレスゴジツ | Remote key will be sent later |
社外セキュリディ、シャガイセキュリディ | Not original car alarm system |
ルームクリーニンク清、ルームクリーニンクシン | Interior is after dry cleaning |
禁煙車、キンエンシャ | no one was smoking in the car |
ワインバーキズ | Scratches from the wipers |
ワレ | Front window is broken |
トビA | Scratch(es) from the stone |
ヒビ | Crack on the front window |
トビ石、トビイシ | Stone chip on the front window |
ヒビトビ石、ヒビトビイシ | Crack and stone chip on the front window |
リペア | Front window was repaired |
F事故ー | Damaged into the front chassis side |
右面事故、 | Damaged into the right chassis side |
F-R事故 | Damaged into the front and rear chassis side |
側面修理歴、 | Both sides of the chassis were repaired |
冠水歴有、 | Flooded car was repaired |
コアサポートヒズミ | Radiator core support was deformed |
Fクロスメンバー歪み、 | Side member was deformed |
右Fインサイドパネル歪み | Front right Inner panel was deformed |
右バッフル修理歴み、 | Right side of the radiator core support was deformed |
右ピラー修理、 | Front pillar was repaired |
左センターピラー修理、 | Left central pillar was repaired |
右Rインサイドパネルヒズミ | Right rear inner panel was deformed |
右フェンダーxx | Right rear fender was replaced |
エンドパネル歪み、 | Rear panel was deformed |
バックパネルーXX | Rear panel was replaced |
バックステップ歪み、 | Backstep was deformed |
Tフロア先修理、 | Trunk floor was repaired |
トランクフロア歪み | Trunk floor was deformed |
ミラーA | Scratches on the door’s mirror |
Dミラーキズ | Scratches on the door’s mirror |
ボンネット飛び石小、 | Light chips on the bonnet |
外装うすい線キズ、 | Light scratches on the chassis |
オーバーフェンダーキズ | Scratches on the fender |
サイドモールキズ | Scratches on the molding |
エアロキズ | Scratches on the body kit |
Rズポイラーキズ | Scratches on the rear spoiler |
各キズ凹、 | Scratches and dents on the chassis |
下廻りAU、 | Scratches, dents and repair marks on the chassis |
補修アト、 | Repair marks on the chassis |
外装仕上げ跡、 | Repair marks on the chassis |
ルーフ凹(多) | Numerous dents on the roof (often mean that car was under hailstorm) |
ルーフ凹(多)の為ヒョウ害 | Numerous dents on the roof, the car was under hailstorm |
右CピラーU小、 | Light dent on the right central pillar |
左CピラーU小、 | Dent on the left central pillar |
Pハゲ | The paint is ripped off |
Rすぽいらー | The paint is ripped off rear spoiler |
外装Pアセ、 | Faded paint on the chassis |
C2穴、 | Holes from the corrosion (number 2 near the C mean how strong is it) |
E/G(engine)ルーム内サビ | Rust in the engine room |
足廻りサビ、 | The suspension system has corrosion |
下廻りサビ、 | Underbody rust |
バッチリー下サビ | Rust under battery |
ズレ | Rear bumper was shifted |
脱着、 | Trunk hood departing |
Rワイパー欠品、 | There is no rear wiper |
アンテナ曲がり、 | Antenna is banned |
バッタリー上がり、 | Battery is discharged |
E/G異音修理要す、 | Unusual noise when engine is working, need to be repaired |
E/G異音、 | Unusual noise when engine is working |
E/G廻り異音、 | Engine is knocking |
E/G廻りオイルにじみ | Oil leaks around the engine |
足回り修理要、 | Suspension system needs to be repaired |
ラジエーター水漏れ、 | Water is leaking from radiator |
セルモータ異音 | Unusual noise during starter works |
排気もれ、 | Exhaust pipe is leaking |
T‐BELT点灯、、点滅、、Tベルトランプ点灯、 | Timing belt lamp lights up |
メーター交換車、 | The car with changed odometer, near the mileage marked with the star (*) |
P/S不良、 | Power steering is defective |
元れんた、 | The car used for rental purpose |