Auction grade

5Same as new
4.5Excellent grade with almost no issue
4Great grade with minor issues only
3.5Good grade with some issues that may need repair
3Average grade with issues to fix
2Bad grade
*Non-running car, needs a forklift to be moved
R or 0Accident history/repaired. Repaired parts are mostly mentioned in auction sheet
RAMinor accident repaired
RBHeavy repair
RCPillar or frame has been changed/repaired
R2Accident history and mostly rust or corrosion issue

Vehicle code explanation

A1Small scratch
A3Big scratch
E1Few dimples
E2Several dimples
E3Many dimples
U1Small dent
U3Big dent
W1Repair mark/wave (hardly detectable)
W2Repair mark/wave
W3Obvious repair mark/wave (needs to be repainted)
S2Heavy rust
C2Heavy corrosion
PPaint marked
HPaint faded (needs to be replaced)
B1Small dent with scratch (size like a thumb)
B2Dent with scratch (size like flat of the hand)
B3Big dent with scratch (size like elbow)
Y1Small hole or crack
Y2Hole or crack
Y3Big hole or crack
X1Small crack on windshield (approximately 1cm)
RRepaired crack on windshield
RXRepaired crack on windshield (needs to be replaced)
XCrack on windshield (needs to be replaced)
GStone chip in glass

General definitions

RRear, right (rare)
DAccording to the driver’s something (seats, door and etc.), according to the door (about mirror, handle and etc.)
HIDXenon headlights
CSCassette recorder
T-BELTTiming belt
ST-TStudless tires
CPCentral cap
Large (about scratches, damps and etc.), strong (about contaminated, fraying and etc.)
Small (about scratches, damps and etc.), slight (about contaminated, fraying and etc.)
Lots of something, numerous
Hole, something missing
エアロBody kit
ホイルAlloy wheels
下廻りUnderbody (on the perimeter)
足廻りSuspension system
コアサポートRadiator core support
クロスメンバCross member
サイドメンバーSide member
インサイドパネルInner panel
エンドパネル、バックパネルRear panel
トランクフロア、(Tフロア)Trunk floor
ピラPillar (front, central, rear)
ハンドルSteering wheel
シフトノブShift knob
フロアマットFloor mat(s)
ナビNavigation system
キズ、傷Scratch(s) (Alphabetic designation A)
へこみ、凹Dent(s) (Alphabetic designation U,B)
補修あと、ホシュウアトRepair Mark(s) (Alphabetic designation W)
フショクCorrosion (Alphabetic designation С)
修理要、シュウリヨウNeed to be repaired
コゲCigarette marks
コゲ穴Cigarette holes
シワWrinkles (seat’s cover), unevenness (exterior)
トビ石、トビイシChip (stone scratch)

General interior defects

内装うす汚れ、Slightly interior contamination
内装スレ汚れ、Worn and contamination in the interior
ルーム内汚れ、Interior contamination
内装小汚れ、Slight interior contamination
内装汚れ(大)、Strong interior contamination
天張り汚れ、Dirty roof in the interior
天張り小汚れ、Slightly dirty roof in the Interior
室内キズ汚れ、Scratches and interior contamination
シートコゲ穴、Cigarette holes
シートコゲCigarette marks
シートシワWrinkles on the seats
DシートスレWorn on the driver’s seat
シートヘタリSeat is squashed
シートキレCuts on the seats
Dトリムコゲ数コ、some cigarette marks on the door’s casing
室内異音、Noise in the interior
室内臭い、Unpleasant smell in the interior
ダッシュ板のリアト、Glue marks on the dashboard
ダッシュ板キズ多し、Numerous scratches on the dashboard
ハンドルスレWarn on the steering wheel
荷室、Scratches in the trunk
灰皿欠、Ashtrays missing
オーディオレス穴、Audio missing
オーディオ外し穴、Audio missing
CSレス穴、Cassette recorder missing
シフトノブ欠、Upper part of shift knob is missing
AC不良、Defective air conditioner
AC回らず、Defective air conditioner
モニタ不良修理要、Defective monitor, need to be repaired
シート色アセFaded seat’s cover
ジャッキ欠品、ジャッキケッピンJack missing
P/W不良修理要ス、Defective power windows, needs to be repaired

Defects of crashed cars

左側面現状、Left side is damaged
左右面現状、Left and right side of the chassis is damaged
F現状、Front chassis is damaged
右R現状、Back right side of the chassis is damaged
右F足廻り現状、Front right side of the chassis is damaged
Fルーフ現状、Front side of the chassis is damaged
走行不明車、Millage is unknown
E/G異音、Engine is knocking
AT現状、Automatic transmission is damaged
冠水車、Flowed car

Benefits of the car

ワンオーナーSingle owner
ユーザー買取車両、Owner is selling car
初出品、This lot appears first time at auction
キセノンライト、キセノン、HID,ディスチャージヘッドライトXenon headlights
フォグランプFog lamps
社外品有、Including non-standard parts
コーナーセンサーCorner sensor
カーボンボンネットCarbon bonnet
エアロパーツBody kit
ルーフレールRoof rail
保証書付、ホショウカキツケIncluding warranty book
アンテナは後日送り、アンテナハゴジツオクリAntenna will be sent later
電格ミラー、デンカクミラーElectric mirror
純正アルミホイール、Original alloy wheels
社外アルミ、Not original alloy wheels
社外足廻り、Not original suspension system
車高調、Increased ground clearance
リフトアップThe car is raised
ロタウンDecreased ground clearance
RスポRear spoiler
純正リヤスポ、Original rear spoiler
社外マフラー, Not original muffler
社外マフラー積込、Original muffler located inside the car
車内積み社外マフラー、Not original muffler located inside the car
背面、ハイメン、ハイメンタイヤSpare wheel located on the rear door
革、Leather interior
革シート、Leather seats
本革シート、Seats covered by natural leather
パワーシートPower seats
シートヒーターSeat’s heater
FのみP/WThe only front powered windows
社外ハンドル、エアB欠、Not original steering wheel without airbag
モモステアリングМОМО steering wheel
ウッドコンビハンドルSteering wheel with wooden insert
ウッド調パネル、Wooden stile dash board
カーボン調パネル、Carbon style dash board
外シフトノブ、Not original shift knob
純マット、、純正フロアマット、、ドアバイザー付Original mats
純正ナビ・TV・CD・CSOriginal navigation, TV, CD, cassette recorder
ナビディスク後日、ナビディスクゴジツNavigation disk will be sent later
純正ステレオ、ジュンセイステレオOriginal stereo system
走行中TV-OKTV is working during driving
DVD-プレーヤーDVD Player
ヘッドレストモニターMonitors in the headrests
サンバイザーモニターMonitors in the sun visors
キーレスRemote key
キーレス後日、キーレスゴジツRemote key will be sent later
社外セキュリディ、シャガイセキュリディNot original car alarm system
ルームクリーニンク清、ルームクリーニンクシンInterior is after dry cleaning
禁煙車、キンエンシャno one was smoking in the car

Front window defects

ワインバーキズScratches from the wipers
ワレFront window is broken
トビAScratch(es) from the stone
ヒビCrack on the front window
トビ石、トビイシStone chip on the front window
ヒビトビ石、ヒビトビイシCrack and stone chip on the front window
リペアFront window was repaired

Repaired car’s defects

F事故ーDamaged into the front chassis side
右面事故、Damaged into the right chassis side
F-R事故Damaged into the front and rear chassis side
側面修理歴、Both sides of the chassis were repaired
冠水歴有、Flooded car was repaired
コアサポートヒズミRadiator core support was deformed
Fクロスメンバー歪み、Side member was deformed
右Fインサイドパネル歪みFront right Inner panel was deformed
右バッフル修理歴み、Right side of the radiator core support was deformed
右ピラー修理、Front pillar was repaired
左センターピラー修理、Left central pillar was repaired
右RインサイドパネルヒズミRight rear inner panel was deformed
右フェンダーxxRight rear fender was replaced
エンドパネル歪み、Rear panel was deformed
バックパネルーXXRear panel was replaced
バックステップ歪み、Backstep was deformed
Tフロア先修理、Trunk floor was repaired
トランクフロア歪みTrunk floor was deformed

General defects of chassis and engine

ミラーAScratches on the door’s mirror
DミラーキズScratches on the door’s mirror
ボンネット飛び石小、Light chips on the bonnet
外装うすい線キズ、Light scratches on the chassis
オーバーフェンダーキズScratches on the fender
サイドモールキズScratches on the molding
エアロキズScratches on the body kit
RズポイラーキズScratches on the rear spoiler
各キズ凹、Scratches and dents on the chassis
下廻りAU、Scratches, dents and repair marks on the chassis
補修アト、Repair marks on the chassis
外装仕上げ跡、Repair marks on the chassis
ルーフ凹(多)Numerous dents on the roof (often mean that car was under hailstorm)
ルーフ凹(多)の為ヒョウ害Numerous dents on the roof, the car was under hailstorm
右CピラーU小、Light dent on the right central pillar
左CピラーU小、Dent on the left central pillar
PハゲThe paint is ripped off
RすぽいらーThe paint is ripped off rear spoiler
外装Pアセ、Faded paint on the chassis
C2穴、Holes from the corrosion (number 2 near the C mean how strong is it)
E/G(engine)ルーム内サビRust in the engine room
足廻りサビ、 The suspension system has corrosion
下廻りサビ、Underbody rust
バッチリー下サビRust under battery
ズレRear bumper was shifted
脱着、Trunk hood departing
Rワイパー欠品、There is no rear wiper
アンテナ曲がり、Antenna is banned
バッタリー上がり、Battery is discharged
E/G異音修理要す、Unusual noise when engine is working, need to be repaired
E/G異音、Unusual noise when engine is working
E/G廻り異音、Engine is knocking
E/G廻りオイルにじみOil leaks around the engine
足回り修理要、Suspension system needs to be repaired
ラジエーター水漏れ、Water is leaking from radiator
セルモータ異音Unusual noise during starter works
排気もれ、Exhaust pipe is leaking
T‐BELT点灯、、点滅、、Tベルトランプ点灯、Timing belt lamp lights up
メーター交換車、The car with changed odometer, near the mileage marked with the star (*)
P/S不良、Power steering is defective
元れんた、The car used for rental purpose